Elopement I Köpenhamns Stadshus: Henrik och Sheiva

Dagens bröllop tar plats i vår vackra grannhuvudstad Köpenhamn, men kärleken mellan brudparet Henrik och Sheiva började i en helt annan del av världen, på juldagen 2014. Paret var på varsin backpacking-resa genom Australien när Henrik kände en saknad efter den skandinaviska julen och bjöd sina tillfälliga grannar på julfrukost, däribland Sheiva.

Efter fem års dejtande med långdistansförhållande och resor fram och tillbaka gifte sig paret i april 2020. Som lösning på det plötsliga problemet med pandemin valde de att anordna bröllop i två delar: ett elopement i Köpenhamns stadshus följt av en stor fest när det blir lämpligt att träffas igen. Fotografen Sandra Åberg var med för att dokumentera deras Köpenhamnbröllop och nu spanar vi in bilderna tillsammans med ord från brudgummen.


Henrik: We met while backpacking in Cairns, Australia back in late 2014. We met on December 25th but didn't really get to know each other till the morning of the 26th. I was missing home, and it was my first year away from family during Christmas, I wanted to try to recreate some of the "hygge" we have in Denmark and Scandinavia, I decided to cook a massive breakfast and share it amongst the people staying in the hostel.

I fell in love with Sheiva in less than 3 days and we agreed I would come see her in April the following year. I flew across the Atlantic and after spending another 2 weeks together, we decided to do long-distance.


Henrik: After exactly 4 years of long-distance, I proposed on a trip to Mexico. We were in Playa Del Carmen, and I had coordinated with a local flower shop, a local candle shop, and a local photographer to decorate a cenote I had arranged to be closed off for us. As she walked in, candles were hanging from the ceiling, floating in the blue waters of the cave and there were flower petals spread out across the floor. I brought her into the center, spoke a few words, and got down on one knee. We were then blessed by a local Shaman in an old ritual before we headed back to our hotel. After a quick pitstop, we headed out for an amazing evening and restaurant experience we will never forget.


Henrik: We chose Sandra Åberg as our photographer because of her style, and we love the photos she took of us! She has an extremely good eye, and when we talked to her she made us feel so at ease. Not only was she professional, extremely talented, and skilled, but she made us both feel right at home in front of the camera - which, you know, is not easy if you have ever been in front of a camera and you, like me, don't have the natural elegance of an actor.


Vi säger grattis till brudparet och hoppas de får fira ordentligt tillsammans med vänner och familj inom en snar framtid!


Fotograf: Sandra Åberg